Thursday, March 19, 2009

My turn

Seems like everyone is giving their opinion. Everyone has a source, or knows someone. Or knows someone who was a roommate of the girl that went to prom with a guy whose sister had a class with a guy on the practice team. You get the point. It is all rumor, or best guess, or hunch. No one really knows. My guess, the coach and AD don't really know for sure. That's why they are going to meet after the season. But that's just a guess also.

The media is jumping into the guessing game. Some claim to have an inside source. Let's start with one of them. Seth Davis claims someone close to the program said Gillispie is gone. Well as the Church Lady said, "Well isn't that special?" This is the same Seth Davis that last year told us that Billy Clyde was going to Oklahoma State. The same Seth Davis that told us that Patrick Patterson was going pro after his freshman year. I rest my case.

Other media gurus are telling us it is just their hunch. I have a hunch on the winning lottery numbers for Saturday. My hunch has the same chance at being right as their hunch.

Let's just look at a couple of things that are not hunches, not from and inside source, and have nothing to do with your father's college roommate's girlfriend's uncle twice removed:

1. He just accepted a verbal commit from a JUCO for next year. If you're gone, do you continue to recruit? Do you verbal to a school without being reassured from the coaching staff AND the university of the status of the coach?

2. It would cost $6 million to buy him out. Sorry, not going to happen. We have heard how bad Dr. Todd hated to pay Mumme, and he cheated. We have all felt the rough economic times. How does a major university pay that kind of coin for someone to NOT WORK?

3. If Gillispie leaves, UK is in big trouble next year. Do you think Orton will still come? Hood's dad said they would reconsider. Patterson would probably bolt, why would he want to start over with a new coach? And he clearly supports the current coach.

4. Who would take the job? Whether we deserve it or not as a fanbase, the media would paint us as running off two coaches in the last two years. Our recruiting for next year would take a shot (see above #3) as well as serving as ammo for recruiting rivals.

You may not like coach, and that is your right. I personally think he will pull it off. I don't always agree with everything he does, but he has been coach of the year 5 years. He didn't just forget how to coach. He had no seniors (please save the "but what about Jared?") And we know the talent was lacking (Honestly, do the Tubby would have left if he had national champion caliber talent?) You may not want to hear this, whether you don't like Gillispie or you are one of the media powers trying to cash in on the negativity to sell papers, but that's just how it is. It's nothing I have found that you don't already know. It's just the message that had to be delivered, and I'm just the mailman. You have mail.

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